Harborough Hustle Podcast

Podcasts are an easy and effective way to promote your business. People buy from people and in the Harborough Hustle we get to know a bit more about the people behind the business. Increase the profile of you and your company with a show sponsorship package.

Some Key Benefits of Podcasting

Build Relationships

Personal connection: Podcasts provide an opportunity for local businesses to build relationships with their audience and customers. By sharing stories, insights, and experiences through the podcast medium, businesses can establish a personal connection and foster a sense of familiarity and trust [1][2].

Time and Convenience

Convenience and easy to understand: Podcasts offer an easily digestible format for information consumption. Instead of reading lengthy blog posts or articles, listeners can tune in to podcasts during their daily activities like commuting, exercising, or cooking. It provides a convenient way for the audience to absorb information and stay engaged.


Increased customer engagement: Podcasting allows businesses to open up more avenues of communication with their audience. By live streaming podcast recordings or providing opportunities for listeners to participate in discussions, businesses can foster engagement, gather feedback, and create a sense of community around their brand. This interactive element can strengthen the bond between the business and its customers

Demonstrate Authority

Building authority and credibility: Appearing on a podcast can position a local business as an authority in its industry or niche. By sharing valuable insights, expertise, and industry knowledge, businesses can establish themselves as thought leaders, which can enhance their reputation and credibility [1][3]

Brand Awareness

Inreased brand awareness: Podcasts provide an additional platform for local businesses to promote their brand and reach a wider audience. Through effective marketing strategies such as social media promotion and email signature inclusion businesses can expand their visibility and attract new customers.


Content repurposing and SEO benefits: Podcast episodes can be repurposed into blog posts, creating additional content for a business’s website. This not only provides valuable information to website visitors but also improves search engine optimization (SEO). Podcasts can help build backlinks through guest promotions and submissions to podcast directories, which can enhance a business’s online presence

We have based the above content on several trusted sources. These are shown in the numbered links.

What’s in it for Sponsors?


Your company featured at the start of the show:


  • Company Name
  • Company Message
  • Company Contact Details
  • Get heard on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music and many more podcast platforms.
  • Get heard on this website and receive a complimentary 500 word write up about your business.
  • Download the episode for further promotion opportunities


A selection of activities that will help to improve your Google rankings:


  • Your website linked from ours
  • A feature article on your company on the episode page
  • Full details of all your contact details listed on our site


What do I need to supply you with?

A current sponsorship slot comprises approximately 20 seconds of audio.

You can choose to give us any of the following:

A script that I can read out on the show

An audio file

Nothing at all – just trust me to say something suitable about your company!

Coming soon…..video slots. Contact us separately for further information.




Do I have to be a member of Market Harborough Business Network?

No – but we highly recommend you to join. Come along to one of our monthly meetings to see what you are missing. Not only will get all the excellent benefits that our members already take advantage of, but this podcast offers 20% sponsor packs to members, as well as priority when there is limited availablilty for sponsorship places.

For the purposes of these offers, a member is defined as anyone who attends at least one meeting within the previous six months.



Are there any criteria for sponsors?


You must be offering a product or service to listeners within this podcast area (we can’t think of any reason why you wouldn’t be!)

We have final say over when and if we broadcast your sponsorship slot. Of course, we’ll do our best to arrange something that works for everybody.

Can we choose which episodes our sponsorship gets aired on?

Yes – subject to the following:

We won’t place sponsor slots that are in direct competition with the guest slot.

We will limit the number of sponsors per episode to ensure you get maximum value.

We have final say over when and if we broadcast your sponsorship slot. Of course, we’ll do our best to arrange something that works for everybody.

MHBN Offers

The Market Harborough Business Network is a not for profit organisation. We promote local businesses. Provided you attend at least one meeting in the previous six months, you qualify for any podcast offers we publish on this site.

As a MHBN member, you can choose how you want to submit your promotion. For example, you can send a script and I’ll read it out for you, over a music bed, in order to attract more attention.

If you have a website, I’ll even write the script for you!

Or you can supply your own sound file (.wav or .mp3) and I’ll insert it into the podcast.

Once we broadcast on video as well as audio, the same choices apply (.mp4 files rather than .mp3)

Here, you can hear an example of a sponsorship promotion  (starts one minute from start)





More Questions?

Contact us if there is anything else you need help with 🙂